We prepare unique formulations that prescribers develop to meet the specific needs of their patient. Penetration enhancers can be added to improve the extent of absorption of topically applied medications. Numerous medications can be combined into a single dosage form for ease of administration.
Compounded medications can help the following foot ailments:
- Arthritis/Inflammation
- Diabetic Neuropathy
- Athlete’s Foot
- Plantar Warts
- Anti-Fungal Therapy
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Nail Infections
Oral medications that relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and relax muscles have undesirable side effects, such as drowsiness, and stomach upset. However, when these medications are administered transdermally (absorbed through the skin), the therapeutic benefit can be enhanced while significantly reducing the risk of adverse side-effects.
For example, research has shown that topically applied ketoprofen provides a high local concentration of drug below the site of application, but decreases the exposure to the rest of your body, and significantly reduces the risk of gastrointestinal upset or bleeding. When properly compounded into an appropriate base, tissue concentrations of ketoprofen were found to be 100x’s greater below the application site, (knee as an example), compared to concentrations throughout the body. Muscle relaxants can be added to transdermal bases to minimize the risk of drowsiness, so there’s no need to worry about driving or any other risk from daily activities.
While we can compound any prescription into the exact right form and dose for you, we do work with several podiatry medications quite frequently. Please ask your doctor to contact us to discuss the dose, strength and combination that will work the best for your needs.
Give us a call and see how we can help your feet!